We are Disciples of Christ, a movement for wholeness in a fragmented world. As part of the one body of Christ, we welcome all to the Lord’s Table as God has welcomed us.
Disciples of Christ Identity Statement
Disciples of Christ Identity Statement
Saturday, September 21 from 9:30-11:30am CST This workshop will focus on the history of European colonization in North America. We will learn about the ways in which Christianity provided theological justification for the colonization of the land we now inhabit and for the genocide of native people here. We will explore the ways in which five centuries of colonization on this land have culminated in our current reality in which indigenous peoples and histories have been profoundly erased from the view and dominant narrative of our settler colonial society. We will also begin to locate ourselves and our ancestors in the history of colonization and will consider ways in which this collective trauma continues to live on in and through each of us.Participants MUST attend the first or second workshop and
Saturday, September 21 from 9:30-11:30am CST
This workshop will focus on the history of European colonization in North America. We will learn about the ways in which Christianity provided theological justification for the colonization of the land we now inhabit and for the genocide of native people here. We will explore the ways in which five centuries of colonization on this land have culminated in our current reality in which indigenous peoples and histories have been profoundly erased from the view and dominant narrative of our settler colonial society. We will also begin to locate ourselves and our ancestors in the history of colonization and will consider ways in which this collective trauma continues to live on in and through each of us.
Participants MUST attend the first or second workshop and ALL registrants must attend the third workshop and complete required reading for Ethics credit.
(Participants are welcome to attend all three workshops.)
September 21, 2024 9:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-05:00)
26sep7:00 pm8:00 pmMeet & GreetDisciples Home Mission Coordinator
28sep(sep 28)9:00 am29(sep 29)12:00 pmWomen of FaithCCIW Disciples Women Fall Retreat
CCIW DISCIPLES WOMEN FALL RETREAT WALTER SCOTT CAMP AND LEARNING CENTER SEPT. 28-29Come, get inspired by the stories of women we meet in the Bible as they navigate life’s tough times. Come spend
SEPT. 28-29
Come, be strengthened by the community of Women of Faith
I have served as the Senior Minister of Eureka Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Eureka, Illinois since 2010. I received a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Texas at Austin in 1992, a Masters of Divinity from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University in 1996, and completed one year of Ph.D. studies in Hebrew Bible at Union Theological Seminary in New York.
I was ordained to the Christian ministry at First Christian Church of Wichita Falls, Texas in 1996.
I am a trained spiritual director, having completed the program at the Hesychia School of Spiritual Direction in Tucson, Arizona in 2015. I have also been very involved with the Academy for Spiritual Formation since 1999 and currently serve as an Academy Mentor for Five-Day Academy leadership teams. I wrote a series of meditations for The Upper Room Disciplines 2012 and taught a class on the spiritual disciplines at Eureka College (Spring 2013). In addition, I have developed and facilitated numerous retreats throughout my ministry. In 2016, I walked the 500-mile Camino de Santiago in northern Spain; in 2022, I walked the 500-mile Camino route called Le Puy through southwestern France.
My daughter Rachel is a student at Bradley University in Peoria, majoring in Civil Engineering. In 2023, I married Matt Winger who works for Caterpillar in Peoria. In my spare time, I enjoy hiking (of course!), reading, cooking, gardening, sewing and crafting, watching movies, playing games, and traveling as much as possible.
September 28, 2024 9:00 am - September 29, 2024 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
02oct(oct 2)11:00 am03(oct 3)1:00 pmCome Together: Intergenerational MinistryAIM Conference
Come Together: Intergenerational Ministry and activities with a Messy Church experience Intergenerational ministry nurtures Christ-centered community, bringing together multiple generations to experience God as they learn from and care for each
Come Together: Intergenerational Ministry and activities with a Messy Church experience
Intergenerational ministry nurtures Christ-centered community, bringing together multiple generations to experience God as they learn from and care for each other. Together we will investigate intergenerational ministry and its principles, enjoy a Messy Church experience and learn more about this example of intergenerational ministry, create a transitional intergenerational activity, and discuss how intergenerational ministry can be part of transitional ministry.
Featuring Ronda Bower
Ronda Bower has served at Northfield Community Church (NCC) since June 2006. Before moving to Illinois, she lived in Fort Myers and Orlando, Florida. She was an elementary and middle school teacher, served as a youth director, and as Director of Christian Education in both Lutheran churches and a Methodist church. At NCC, Ronda works with all ages in faith formation including family ministry and intergenerational ministry. Messy Church has been an important part of ministry at NCC for eight years.
Ronda is very active in Messy Church USA serving as president of the board of directors, as a trainer and ambassador, and writing Messy Church curriculum. Rhonda lives in Northfield with her husband, Thom, turtle Zippy, and cats Buffy and Xena. She has two children and four grandchildren who live in Orlando. Her favorite pastimes are spending time with her children and grandchildren and visiting zoos and aquariums.
Tentative Conference Schedule
Wednesday, October 2, 2024
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Hotel Reservations are not included in Registration Fees and must be made directly to:
Starved Rock Lodge (800) 868-7625 by September 02, 2024.
Room Rate: $165 plus tax for single/double occupancy (Rooms available until 9/02/2024).
Or hotel of choice:
Additional lodging is available in Oglesby, about 5 miles from Starved Rock Lodge:
Days Inn: (815) 681-7739 – Approx. cost $99–109 per room (free breakfast and WIFI)
Best Western: (815) 883-3535 – Approx. cost $109 – 119 per room (free breakfast and WIFI)
All room reservations must be made directly with the hotel.
Starved Rock Lodge Registrations Due September 2, 2024
Conference Registrations Are Due September 23, 2024.
October 2, 2024 11:00 am - October 3, 2024 1:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
18oct(oct 18)5:00 pm19(oct 19)12:00 pmJoint Regional Assembly
Our Joint Regional Assembly, Business meetings will be Friday Evening for the Intent to Merge resolution vote. Saturday Worship followed by a presentation by Disciples Women, Domestic Violence: Establishing Safe Sanctuaries.
Our Joint Regional Assembly, Business meetings will be Friday Evening for the Intent to Merge resolution vote.
Saturday Worship followed by a presentation by Disciples Women, Domestic Violence: Establishing Safe Sanctuaries.
Virtual 2024 CCMR/CCIW Joint Regional Assembly
Fri. Oct. 18th CCIW Business Meeting 7:00 p.m. – 8:30 p.m. Central
Sat. Oct. 19th Worship and voting results of the business meeting 8:30 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. Central
Regional Assembly will include Business of the church and Reports of Commissions and Committees.
If you are a Michigan Disciple, please see the event page at this link for Registration information.
Registration FAQ’s
Who should register?
The above are required to register in order to receive a Zoom invite that will allow you voting privileges during the Regional Assembly business meeting.
I am a non-voting church member or guest, do I need to register?
You do not. You may exit this form. A post on the regional website, www.cciwdisciples.org, will have links to all media for the Regional Assembly.
Who is allowed to vote in the business meeting?
As stated in the Bylaws of the CCIW
How do I know if I am a voting lay delegate?
It is your church’s responsibility to appoint its delegates. The congregation should notify the Region of its list of delegates by sending an email to [email protected] no later than October 1st.
Am I able to register multiple people/voting delegates?
The form allows for multiple registrations if you would like to register yourself (clergy or lay) and the other voting delegates from your church. Please provide an accurate and current email for each voting delegate. Each voting delegate will receive a Zoom invite to attend the business session of Regional Assembly. A Zoom poll will be used for voting on Regional Assembly business items. The voting process will be explained at commencement of the business session.
Questions: contact peggy@cciwdisciples.org
October 18, 2024 5:00 pm - October 19, 2024 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
19oct9:30 am12:00 pmCoffee Connection 2Domestic Violence: Establishing Safe Sanctuaries
Gathering at 9:30 with presentation and discussion starting at 10 AM with Rev. Courtney Armento. This will be in conjunction to Regional Assembly and individuals will be able to register
Gathering at 9:30 with presentation and discussion starting at 10 AM with Rev. Courtney Armento. This will be in conjunction to Regional Assembly and individuals will be able to register just for this event at no cost or through the RA paying RA registration fees with no additional charge for this event.
In this concluding portion of our two part workshop on addressing and implementing initiatives around education, support and reduction of domestic and partner violence, Rev. Courtney Armento co-author of the General Assembly Resolution GA- 1928, A Call to See and Respond to the Crisis of Domestic and Intimate Partner Violence, will lead us in a discussion of how to establish safe sanctuaries in your congregations for those fleeing from situations of domestic and partner violence The October 19 workshop will be a part of the educational offerings of the CCIW Regional Assembly.
There is no cost to this event if registered on the event Registration page and no additional cost added to Regional Assembly registration fee if you register for this event as part of the educational events of the Assembly.
October 19, 2024 9:30 am - 12:00 pm(GMT-05:00)
Saturday, October 26 from 9:30-11:30 CST This workshop will serve as an introduction to the ideology of Zionism. What is Zionism? How and why did Christian Zionism develop, and how has this ideology come to play
Saturday, October 26 from 9:30-11:30 CST
This workshop will serve as an introduction to the ideology of Zionism. What is Zionism? How and why did Christian Zionism develop, and how has this ideology come to play such a key role in U.S. support for the nation-state of Israel today? How is Zionism connected to colonization and imperialism? How have Jewish and Christian versions of Zionist theologies been used to justify the ongoing violent colonization of Palestine and the current genocide unfolding in Gaza? These questions and others will be explored, and participants will make connections between religious Zionist ideologies and ongoing U.S. and European imperialism and colonization in Palestine.
Participants MUST attend the first or second workshop and ALL registrants must attend the third workshop and complete required reading for Ethics credit.
(Participants are welcome to attend all three workshops.)
October 26, 2024 9:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-05:00)
About Our Speaker Rev. Dr. Dawn Darwin Weaks heard her calling to ministry at youth camp. She pursued God’s call as she
Rev. Dr. Dawn Darwin Weaks heard her calling to ministry at youth camp. She pursued God’s call as she received her B.A. from Baylor University, her M. Div. from Brite Divinity School at Texas Christian University, and her D.Min. from St. Paul School of Theology. She was ordained in the Southern Baptist church and served as an associate minister in that denomination before becoming a Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) minister in 1999.
She pastored churches in Lubbock, Texas; Miami, Texas; and Rowlett, Texas; and in Raytown, Missouri. She is now the co-pastor of Connection Christian Church in Odessa, Texas, with her husband, Rev. Dr. Joe Weaks. Dawn is a frequent keynoter at events nationwide, and you can find her writing published in a variety of venues. Her recent book Breakthrough: Trusting God with Big Change in Your Church from Chalice Press tells the story of her church’s transformation.
Dawn has three passions: her family, her relationship with God, and helping others hear and live out the calling God gives to them.
“The Stepping Stones of Transformation Retreat was a great balance of education, community, and rest.
Rev. Clayton Summers
“It was just what I needed. I had been under some stress and the retreat helped calm me and prepare me for upcoming events at church.
Pastor Linda Mower
Monday, November 11
Tuesday, November 12
Wednesday, November 13
(price reflects $75 discount made possible by CCIW/ CCMR gift)
November 11, 2024 4:30 pm - November 13, 2024 10:00 am(GMT-05:00)
Pilgrim Park
26449 1340 North Ave, Princeton, IL 61356
Saturday, November 16th from 9:30-11:30am In this final workshop, we will do a deep dive into the ways in which colonization and Christian imperialism have shaped each one of us and our faith communities. We will reflect together on how these histories live within us and in our churches. We will explore what decolonization of our theology and churches could look like. We will consider together how we can decolonize the ways we read and preach and make sense of scripture as well as the ways we relate to our fellow Christians, our broader communities, the world at large, and the planet we share. We hope that participants will leave with concrete ideas and reflections to bring back to their faith communities.Participants MUST attend the first or second workshop and
Saturday, November 16th from 9:30-11:30am
In this final workshop, we will do a deep dive into the ways in which colonization and Christian imperialism have shaped each one of us and our faith communities. We will reflect together on how these histories live within us and in our churches. We will explore what decolonization of our theology and churches could look like. We will consider together how we can decolonize the ways we read and preach and make sense of scripture as well as the ways we relate to our fellow Christians, our broader communities, the world at large, and the planet we share. We hope that participants will leave with concrete ideas and reflections to bring back to their faith communities.
Participants MUST attend the first or second workshop and ALL registrants must attend the third workshop and complete required reading for Ethics credit.
(Participants are welcome to attend all three workshops.)
November 16, 2024 9:30 am - 11:30 am(GMT-05:00)
Contact Information
Address: 401 W Jefferson St. Bloomington IL, 61701
Phone: +1 309-828-6293
Fax: +1 309-213-9469
Email: [email protected]