The future of the church is more connected. The future of the church is in deeper conversation. The future of the church is a future with deeper covenant. The Covenant Project is the work of changing structures to be more just and relationships across the church to be more connected.
The Covenant Project began more than three years ago as part of the work of Governance Committee of the General Board of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada. When the Governance Committee met in retreat in the fall of 2019, they committed to the work of aligning the Design of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) with God’s design for the church and to claim the power and potential of covenant. To that end, the committee took two important steps: the first was the development of the Covenant Curriculum, a small group resource for congregations to explore their identity as covenantal partners in the wider church. The second was a process of a review of the Design, with an aim to explore how the church’s structures and practices might shift to better serve the church, with two main areas of focus. The first area of evaluation and recommendations is the General Assembly of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) which refers to not just a gathering but the structure of how congregations relate to and engage with the larger church to provide feedback, prioritize vision and lead. The second area of evaluations and recommendations is centered around the General Board.
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