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CCIW & CCMR Partnership Proposal

By March 5, 2021March 10th, 2021No Comments

The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Illinois and Wisconsin (CCIW) and The Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Michigan Region (CCMR) have announced we have begun discussions on a new model for partnering in Regional Ministry.

We have diligently worked with the Search Team Task Force to create a Partnership Proposal. This proposal outlines how CCIW and CCMR plan to partner for ministry. The Task Force will present the proposal to the Regional Church Council (CCIW) and Regional Board (CCMR) on March 27, 2021 for review.

The Regions will also host conversations to address questions regarding this new model of ministry and the proposal. These meetings will be on March 15th, 16th, and 18th at 6:30 p.m. CST and 7:30 p.m. EST.


Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Wisconsin (CCIW) and Christian

Church (Disciples of Christ) Michigan Region (CCMR) 

Read The Press Release

Register for the Sharing Conversations

Partnership Proposal—

Download as PDF

  1. Background

a. Not a merger.

b. Separate Identities, separate finances, separate camps, separate liability.

c. This is not simply a business arrangement, but our attempt to be one in Christ for the benefit of both Regions, and to glorify God’s name, and Jesus ministry.

d. Committed to the work of Anti-racism.

e. It will be a new way for Michigan Disciples to be a Region, drawing more upon congregations providing connections in covenant with one another with support of Regional Associates.

Common Vision: “To be radically welcoming regions of connected Disciples congregations, called to radiate the Creator’s love, extend Christ’s mission, and support one another as the Holy Spirit acts among us.”

  1. Proposal

a. Regional Minister of CCIW will work with CCMR Regional “Associates” to provide pastoral care and guidance to the congregations in Michigan.

i. Regional Associates—Connection program

ii. Four deployed ministers geographically close to congregations.

iii. No more than 11 congregations plus pastors in a defined area of the state.

iv. Stipend plus travel expenses.

v. Regular meetings with the Regional Minister of CCIW for consultation and guidance.

vi. Training by Hope Partnership.

vii. Building a network of clergy support

viii. Congregational Leader training. ix. Work with Church Growth and Vitality commission to strengthen congregations.

b. Regional Minister of CCIW will do for CCMR:

i. Search and Call.

ii. Regional Minister will be available to clergy.

iii. Counsel and Advice for leadership.

iv. General Church meeting representation.

v. Ministry Committee work: standing, clergy misconduct, training.

vi. 2-3 times a year in person in CCMR for multiple events over a several days; otherwise working through the gift of technology with congregations and leaders.

c. CCMR will remunerate CCIW—$30,000.

i. The funds will not be paid to CCIW’s Regional Minister and President. CCIW will use the funds to compensate time of other staff in our region as they help CCMR or other mission opportunities.

d. Mutual benefits:

i. Church Transformation; Spiritual, Congregational, Community

ii. Use of camp facilities and programs. iii. Clergy retreat in Michigan in April.

iii. Fee based ministries open to everyone: School for Ministry; Disciple Women and Men events; Ministerial Boundaries/AntiRacism training.

iv. Networking our shared commitment to Anti-Racism.

v. Mission opportunities through Rippling Hope—Gospel in Action.

vi. Possible consolidation of efforts, i.e., social media support, website.

vii. Sharing Policies and Procedures, i.e., Legacy Gifts, Permanent

viii. Fund, Committee on Ministry, Ministerial Ethics policy ix. Possible new opportunities, i.e., Midwest Convocation, Great Lakes advocacy, Eco-Justice.

e. Sustainability:

i. Vision focused.

ii. Leap of faith for the long term. Covenant Commitment.

iii. New model of regional ministry.

f. Evaluation of Covenant:

i. Annual joint review with a re-commitment decision.