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Poor People’s Assembly + PRAR

The PRAR team wants to encourage 100 people from CCIW to sign up for the Poor People’s Online action on June 20!

After this, I heard the LORD ask, “Is there anyone I can send? Will someone speak for us?” “I’ll go,” I answered. “Send me!” Isaiah 6:8

In the midst of social inequality and chaos, God called out for someone to represent God in the midst of it all. Isaiah heard the call and responded. Today, God continues to call for those willing to come along side the weak and vulnerable, the voiceless and oppressed as they speak the word of the Lord , working for justice and seeking to establish God’s shalom.

Will you be one to answer this call!

Participate in the Mass Poor People’s Assembly & National Moral March on Washington, DC: A Digital Gathering

June 20, 2020

Broadcast at 10 AM EST & 6 PM EST

Sign Up Online