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Why is ATiiM now AIM?

ATiiM has been, since 1998, a voluntary association of trained Intentional Interim Ministers in the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ and the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the Illinois & Wisconsin Region.

The purpose of ATiiM has been to:

  • Support Disciples of Christ (DOC) and United Church of Christ (UCC) clergy who are called to Intentional Interim Ministry
  • Support Association, Conference, and Regional staff in finding qualified Intentional Interims for placement in congregations and judicatory positions
  • Provide resources to educate clergy and congregations about the roll and purpose of Intentional Interim Ministry
  • Support the goals of CCIW and the Illinois Conference to assist congregations in transition

The responsibilities of ATiiM have included, but are not limited to:

  • Formulating and revising the Guidelines for Interim Ministry
  • Developing and revisiting the Clergy Call to Intentional Interim Ministry, as well as sample contracts/covenants to be used by Intentional Interim Ministers
  • Sponsoring an annual fall workshop geared to continuing education and enrichment of Intentional Interims and other pastors
  • Facilitating area support groups
  • Establishing and administering the Interim Ministry Support (& Loan) Fund

ATiiM has consistently invited and welcomed non-trained interim clergy to the annual event and meetings of our support group.  We have discovered over some time that some interim clergy have found the term “trained” to suggest exclusion and that this has, to some degree, been an exclusion to other clergy.

It is for that reason that the Steering Committee of ATiiM developed the recommendation that action to change the name be presented at the 2019 annual meeting.  At the ATiiM annual meeting held on October 9, 2019, the members present voted unanimously to request approval of the desire to change the name of the organization to Association of Interim Ministers (AIM).

On November 13, 2019 the Executive Committee of the Illinois Conference unanimously voted in favor of the name change to AIM.  On December 3, 2019, the Regional Executive Committee of the DOC approved the name change.  The group is now officially the Association of Interim Ministers (AIM).  Changes will be made to the Guidelines for Interim Ministry and all other necessary documents over the coming months.