Praying together can be very meaningful, even transforming. Prayer helps us connect with God and one another, gain insights into our life of faith and provide a deep peace we find few other places. The spiritual practice of prayer is foundational for many believers – it’s life-changing.
In these days of the coronavirus crisis, it is important to connect. Since we can’t be together face-to-face, let’s get together by conference call. Every day, starting Monday, April 6, a group will gather at 7:15 am to listen to someone offer a prayer. In the past we have experienced a great variety of prayer styles and have been blessed by our time together.
Here’s your invitation to Daily Prayer Time, a new adventure on your spiritual journey. When you can, as often as you can. Dial (712) 770-5505 and access code: 224930#
If you would consider the role of leader on one or more days, we would welcome you. We ask you to bring a prayer (or some brief thoughts and then a prayer). Do what fits you and seems appropriate to the group. We normally take about 5 -10 minutes total.
Email us at [email protected] to ask any questions about Daily Prayer Time and to get information on how you could sign up to share in leadership.
We look forward to praying with you and so many others in the Regional church!
“In these days of the coronavirus crisis, it is important to connect”