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Camp Walter Scott Improvements

By January 21, 2020One Comment

2019 was a busy year at Camp Walter Scott! Several improvements have been made to the camp with the help of the matching grant campaign: a new roof for the dining hall; renovations to the south side shower house; and two new yurts with electricity!

The Illinois Valley Cluster donated their time and funds to install a new playground and provide several new disc golf goals for the camp.

Kayaks were also purchased for the camp with funds from First Christian Church in Paris, IL and other camp supporters.

Thank you to all who have partnered with us–financially, physically, or through prayer- to make these improvements at Camp Walter Scott! We truly believe that these improvements will enhance the beauty and experiences had at Camp Walter Scott.

One Comment

  • Rev Doris Beckerman says:

    I’m so proud of our Camp, and extremely grateful for all those of vision, both currently and from its inception, all who have made this special outdoor sanctuary possible.
    Doris Beckerman
    Regional Elder, Wabash Cluster