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2019 General Assembly Updates

2019 General Assembly July 20-24 in Des Moines

Worship, learning, fellowship and business all make up the biennial gathering of the WHOLE Church from across the United States and Canada. Come early for one of the pre-events offered by Green Chalice, Phillips Theological Seminary, Disciples Alliance Q and Disciples Church Extension Fund. (And stay after worship Wednesday morning for a rally at the state capitol.)

Join in the celebration that begins at 1:30 pm (CDT) on Saturday, July 20, in the Iowa Events Center’s arena. Meet Disciples from across all expressions of the Church and ecumenical and international visitors. Worship with thousands of Disciples and hear inspiring Bible studies and preaching. Learn in workshops, in the MissionFest displays, from exhibitors, during special meal events and aftersessions. Find out what the general ministries have been doing the past biennium and what plans are for the future. And throughout the experience enjoy the fellowship of those who share the name “Disciple” while experiencing the amazing hospitality of the Upper Midwest region. Register now

New: Youth! Join the Virtual Choir

You’re invited for the first ever Disciples virtual choir!  This remote collaboration works by recording your singing and sending it in to us. We’ll stitch together all of the singers into one giant sonic collage debuting at General Assembly! Can’t travel to Des Moines? No worries! Our Church will  see and experience your powerful voice & the young people throughout the Disciples of Christ. This is your chance! Show the world what God’s doing through your generation.

New: Escape Room Adventure Game 
Break out of the workshop mold with this wild and wacky adventure game. You and your team (bring a team of up to 10 or join a team at the door) will be “locked” in a church-themed room, with 45 minutes to find clues, solve puzzles and discover keys and combinations to “escape” before your time expires. Just to keep it interesting, you’ll compete for a place on our Leader Board as other teams take on the challenge. Designed for all ages. Reserve your adventure at the Disciples Church Extension Fund booth, just inside the doors in the Exhibit Hall. Reservations available for adventures during After Sessions (Saturday through Tuesday 9 – 10 p.m.), and anytime workshops are in session. (Sunday-Tuesday, 1:30 – 4:30 p.m.) No experience necessary — with church or with escape rooms!

New: Hunger Simulation

Des Moines Area Religious Council’s Hunger Simulation is an immersive interactive experience for you to learn what it’s like to live with food insecurity. In the Hunger Simulation, you take on the identity of a real person experiencing food insecurity. You have 15 minutes to determine your food budget and get the recommended USDA MyPlate servings of fruits, vegetables, protein, grains, and dairy. You can do this by shopping at the grocery store, visiting the food pantry, and applying for SNAP benefits at the DHS office. Once the 15 minutes are up, you will reflect on your experience and share with the rest of the group. Tuesday, 1:30 pm Hall A  Revise your existing registration to include this experience

MissionFest applications open until June 30

Mission is happening all over the Church from congregations to regions to general ministries. We’re out to celebrate the many creative and varied ways Disciples are having an impact with and for God’s children. Please let us know about your project(s) and you might be invited to share your work at the General Assembly in Des Moines! More information