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Top Resources in Stewardship

By February 19, 2019No Comments

By Rev. Scott Woolridge, Associate Regional Minister

Many church leaders have it said, “We need more money to do more ministry.” Or – “We need more people to help pay the bills.”

Where do we turn for wisdom on these issues?

These top resources in stewardship with help your congregation grow generous givers.

First, for Disciples of Christ congregations, there is the Center for Faith and Giving.

They offer worship resources, year-round stewardship materials and packages for annual stewardship drives. Led by the Rev. Dr. Bruce Barkhauer, the Center is well-tuned to the needs of Disciple congregations and is always creating new materials. Bruce brings great passion and deep wisdom to this ministry. He is a gifted writer, teacher and preacher.

On their website you will find resources for personal and congregational financial wellness, leadership training in stewardship, even lectionary-based worship resources.

There is even a toolbox of practical resources. You’ll find dozens of videos including a video on our approach to money in the church –

Second, there is the Ecumenical Stewardship Center

As the name suggests, this ministry serves a variety of churches and enjoys wide participation.  They offer Giving magazine, a blog, digital resources, videos, and programs for stewardship campaigns.

Generosity Transformed is the title of their 2019 training event. It will be held in Indianapolis April 30 – May 2 and features many prominent preachers and teachers including our own Lee Hull Moses.


Explore these resources for yourself and for your congregation. We trust you’ll find them most valuable.