Though we still have Thanksgiving to get through first, Christmas and Epiphany are both fast approaching! Epiphany is a great time in the life of the church to celebrate those who have included the church as part of their legacy.
As we celebrate and remember the magi and their gifts to the newborn Christ child, we can also celebrate and remember the gifts given to our churches. Members who leave legacy gifts for their congregation do so because they believe in what the church is doing but, more than that, they believe the church will be around to bring the Good News of Jesus Christ long after they have passed on. Each person, just like the magi, has a unique journey to giving and a deeply personal reason for their special gift to the church.
The Christian Church Foundation believes it is essential that we remember and celebrate each of these gracious givers, their strong faith, and their passion for ministry. Epiphany is an important time in the life of the church, not just to celebrate those who have remembered the church in their legacy plans, but also to give thanks for the wise and gracious ones throughout time who walk with us on this faithful journey. For more information and resources on honoring the members of your congregation who have made a legacy gift, please visit
By Maggie Archibald, Christian Church Foundation