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The Christian November 2018

By November 6, 2018No Comments

Our mission; To connect and empower Disciples congregations for life-changing and life-giving ministries in our evolving

In this edition of The Christian, we are featuring articles from our 2018 Annual Report and highlights of our most recent Regional Assembly. Here are some to inspire you:

Since coming on board in May, the Rev. Angelique “Angee” Jordan Byrd has helped us connect through the “Call to Socialize.” I hope you have seen some of the delightful videos. “Join Us at the Table” launched at this assembly. It is a chance to share life-giving, lifechanging stories with one another. Angee is available to help your congregation and members to tell your stories. Go to to see what is happening. Remember, we’re done being the best kept secret!

The Rev. Eli Rolòn Jeong, “Eli” shared the news of our Camp Walter Scott Matching Grant kickoff. Our Regional Church Council members have contributed $3000 to get us started. (See related materials in this edition.) To date we have received $11,000 in gifts. Thank you!

We had seven workshops at our regional assembly with over 150 participants learning about hospitality, new church, NBA XPLOR, children’s ministry, youth ministry, Open and Affirming conversations.

We announced that we are launching a School for Ministry with our partners in the Illinois Conference of the United Church of Christ focused on raising up leaders from and for our small rural/urban congregations. (See related articles) We begin with a discernment retreat January 11-12 at Chiara Center in Springfield—if you are considering your call.

We continue the focus of New Day—a deep spiritual formation process for leaders as a pathway of personal and congregational transformation. The Rev. Scott Woolridge has been shepherding these last two efforts.

We made blankets and packed sweet cases for children in need in our communities. We also clean up bucket items for Church World Service to distribute in natural disasters. Service, Learning and Mission or SLAM is one of our new ventures. The Rev. Bill Kerns, pastor at Davis Memorial in Taylorville, is looking for volunteers to help us plan yearly cooperative SLAM’s.

And, Nov. 1-30, we are gathering at 7 a.m. CST by conference call for a “Call to Prayer.” (See announcement) What if we prayed as if the world was waiting on us?

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