We are once again a proud co-sponsor of Ecumenical Advocacy Days! Registration for the 2019 Ecumenical Advocacy Days
for Global Peace with Justice Annual Conference is now open! Join us for this important gathering of Christian clergy and laypersons from across the country and around the world as we gather for ecumenical worship, learn from educational and training workshops, advocate on Capitol Hill and stand together in public witness. Click HERE to register now!
This year, our theme is, “Troubling the Waters for the Healing of the World — #GoodTrouble!” It recognizes the need for us to stand up and speak out on behalf of the most vulnerable in our world. It also reflects the need for us to have advocacy training and skills to build coalitions and movements that address the needs of our own communities. As is our annual commitment, Creation Justice Ministries will organize six eco-justice workshops at this gathering, as well as host an exhibit table displaying our Christian education resources
In 2019, we gather at a time in which people of faith and conscience are again called to stand in the prophetic stream of those who have come before us, those who were not afraid to stir up #GoodTrouble for the sake of God’s kingdom. We also are troubled by the many issues that we are confronting in our communities, nation and world. Drawing on #GoodTrouble pioneers from the Civil Rights era as well as inspiration from young leaders, the 2019 Ecumenical Advocacy Days will help us to learn from the past, share best practices, and encourage one another for the work ahead. We will beckon the Spirit to “Trouble the Waters” as depicted in John 5:1-9, calling on God to bring healing to our nation and world. JOIN us for #EAD2019 as we envision and train for new ways to stir up #GoodTrouble for the healing of all God’s children. Register today! For more information or to register, visit https://advocacydays.org/2019- troubling-the-waters/.
Link to EAD brochure: https://advocacydays.org/wp- content/uploads/2018/11/EAD_ 2019_General_Brochure_round2- final.pdf
Annika Harley
Creation Justice Fellow