Regional Minister of the Christian Church (DOC) in Arizona
Like all levels of the Christian Church (DOC), the Arizona Region is faithfully endeavoring to live into the changing religious reality. We are seeking a partner in this transformation.
We envision that partnership taking on the following qualities:
- A minister able to lead with an institutional imagination centered in God’s love, Christ’ courage and the Spirit’s capacity to unite all beyond the boundaries of race, language, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, geography and theological differences.
- A minister able to incorporate an integrated approach to Regional ministry weaving together the existing silos of our structure into a coordinated effort.
- A minister able to coach local congregations and to equip them for authentic faithfulness within this changing reality.
- A minister able to relate to the gifted cadre of ministers already present within Arizona and the capacity to proactively recruit additional quality ministers for positional vacancies.
- A minister able to listen first, question second, and act third.
- A minister able to enact change even if that requires implementation of a completely new model of Regional ministry and staffing.
- A minister able to execute normative Regional level functions (for example and not exhaustive, Search and Call, various required committees, pastoral care, ordinations and installations and etc.)
We assume the following professional duties:
- Healthy spiritual, physical, financial and emotional relationships.
- Travel
- Continued professional development of themselves, staff and regional leaders.
- Proven record of administrative and managerial competency and success.
- Biannual conferences on church growth, transformation and trends.
We desire the following qualifications:
- Minister of Good Standing within the Christian Church (DOC)
- Div from an ATS accredited school
- 10 years of ordained experience
- Bi-lingual or demonstrated cultural sensitivity and competency
- Persons of color and women are encouraged to apply.
- Must relocate to Arizona.
To be considered for this position a candidate must:
- Have a complete active profile in the denominational Search and Call system of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ)
- Indicate intention to be considered to Warren Lynn, Executive Minister for Christian Vocations for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). Contact information: [email protected], 317-713-2652
- Send a letter of intention to apply to Jim Barton, Search Committee Chair, at [email protected] before October 26, 2018