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Regional Assembly “Life Giving Life Changing”

By August 21, 2018No Comments

Since our last Assembly we engaged in a study discernment process seeking God’s call for our region. Out of that process, we have a new Vision, Mission and initiatives. Our mission; To connect and empower Disciples congregations for life-changing and life-giving ministries in our evolving world. The work on our initiatives has already begun.

First, we are focusing on communication ministry and have called the Rev. Angelique “Angee” Jordan Byrd to lead us. We know that 75% of people looking for a church are making the connection through the internet. If our congregations are going to thrive in this new media world, we need to learn how to share and tell our stories. Angee and her team have launched a “Call to Socialize” to connect our congregations at the first basic level. At this assembly you can take the next step and “Join Us at the Table.” This is a chance to share life-giving, life-changing stories. We will be making these stories available through a new media hub called: These stories are for you to use and share. We’re done being the best kept secret.

The website will be going online later this month!

Call to Socialize: