Disciples Peace Fellowship announces an employment opening for the position of Director of Mission Support and Peace Intern Program. This is a part-time position (averaging 45 hours per month) with seasonal full time hours and an annualized salary of $1000 per month. No geographic relocation is required. The Director will work with the DPF Executive Committee in carrying out our mission of “keeping alive the passion for peace and justice” within the Christian Church. The job begins November 1, 2018. Please see attached job description for more information. Application deadline is August 20, 2018. Please send cover letter, resume, and a writing sample of 250-400 words to [email protected]. More information about Disciples Peace Fellowship can be found at www.dpfweb.org.
Disciples Peace Fellowship
Director for Mission Support and Peace Intern Program
The Director of Mission Support and Peace Intern Program works with the Disciples Peace Fellowship Executive Committee to “keep alive the passion for peace and justice” within the Disciples of Christ and through networks of connection in the larger ecumenical community.
Position Objectives and Qualifications
Title: Director for Mission Support and Peace Intern Program
Works with: Disciples Peace Fellowship Executive Committee
Supervises: Peace Interns
Status: part time position (average of 45 hours per month) that has seasonal full time hours with an annualized salary of $1000 per month
Start Date: November 1. First meeting with DPF Executive Committee, Nov. 13-15, 2018.
- College degree
- Church camp and conference experience preferred but not required
- Disciples Peace Intern experience preferred but not required
- Working knowledge of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and an understanding of church theology, culture and structure
Job Functions and Skills Required
- Collaborates well within a team
- Consistent and clear organizational skills
- Good listener
- Demonstrates good verbal and written communication skills
- Willing to develop network relationships within Disciples of Christ and the larger ecumenical community
- Sets clear and understandable boundaries
- Has the capacity to be kind and clear, firm and compassionate
Executive Committee
- Meets with the Executive Committee via monthly conference calls and annual/bi-annual gatherings
- Engage the co-moderators for advice and counsel between Executive Committee meetings
- Works with Executive Committee on meeting arrangements and logistics
- Publishes the quarterly newsletter and fundraiser appeal
- Coordinates with the Rapid Response Team to track peacemaking issues that need an immediate response
- Helps develop an accessible and user friendly database and follow-up on contributors
- May represent DPF at ecumenical and Disciples events when possible
Peace Intern Program
Assures the coordination of:
- Publicity for intern applicants
- Publicity for intern assignments with Regions and Disciples gatherings (camps and conferences)
- Intern Applications
- Regional Applications
- Phone calls and emails with clarifications for intern and regional applications
- Create schedule for the summer
- Pre-training arrangements and paperwork
- Training Week
- Work with Disciples partners who facilitate other young adult intern programs (e.g., Global Ministries, NBA, DHM, etc) to determine when and how training may be coordinated
- Arrange housing and transportation
- Arrange all meals (bought and cooked)
- Set appointments for time with Disciples General ministry leaders
- Write and assemble all training materials
- Research, purchase and manage all training books and materials
- Arrange training of peace interns in various subjects (depending on access to other trainers)
- Provide guidance for interns as they develop workshops for camps and conferences
- Coordinating necessary technology for week (phone lines, computer, printer, internet, etc)
- Assure all legal and financial paperwork for pay, taxes and background check are completed
- Coordinate laundry and bedding
- Travel arrangements for interns (airline tickets, airport pick up, transportation to and from camp)
- Work with Regions regarding housing arrangements for interns
- Required paperwork for each region
- Troubleshooting problems with interns & regions
- Evaluations from interns and camp directors (one per person per event)
- Coordinates with Disciples Home Missions regarding finances
- Maintain appropriate and detailed financial records
- Give an annual written and verbal report regarding the Peace Intern Program to the Executive Committee
Review: Position is to be evaluated after one year.
Application deadline: August 20, 2018. Please send cover letter, resume and a writing sample of 250-400 words (e.g., blog post, newsletter article, editorial) to [email protected].