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The Poor People’s Campaign

By February 5, 2018No Comments

The Poor People’s Campaign: A National Call for Moral Revival is gearing up for 40 Days of Moral Action beginning the day after Mothers Day (May 14). The 2017 General Assembly adopted a resolution to support this campaign please help spread the word. Dr. William Barber, II, a Disciples minister, is the co-chair and national voice of this movement. You can help the effort in one of several ways.

  1. Follow the Repairers of the Breach Facebook page where you will see events as they are announced.
  2. You can use the art and videos provided on the PPC:ANCMR page for free with credit to the artist.
  3. Sign up for e-mail notifications in your area of direct actions, meetings and more on the PPC:ANCMR page.
  4. Use the attached forms for people in your region to sign up to participate.