Through its Mission and Ministry Grants Program, the National Benevolent Association of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) is granting a total of $150,250 to 21 Disciples projects and ministries working with older adults and at-risk children and youth.
In June 2017, the NBA announced the launch of this new grant program, making purpose-restricted funds available for distribution through grants to Disciples congregations and health and social service ministries. The NBA Grants Committee accepted and evaluated applications through the fall, and grant funds are now being distributed to selected projects for use in 2018.
This year’s grantees are located across 12 Disciples regions and 4 areas. Of the 21 selected projects, 14 are focused on at-risk children and youth; 5 are focused on older adults; and 2 are intergenerational, serving both communities.
“Disciples ministries across the life of the church are called in innovative, relevant ways to work with and serve ‘the least of these’—reaching out to neighbors, those on the margins, young and old, and truly being the church,” says Mark D. Anderson, NBA President and CEO. “These Disciples are creating communities of compassion and care every day, and we are grateful for the opportunity to lift up and support this good work through NBA Mission and Ministry Grants.”
Read about the first cohort of grantees and their projects below! We look forward to sharing a spotlight on each ministry with more project details starting in January, with updates to come from grantees throughout the year.
At-Risk Children and Youth
Catalyst Grants
- JUMPSTART Back-to-School Clinic – First Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) Blue Mound, IL – Providing free school health screenings and sports physicals for school-aged children, with supplemental assistance as needed. $1,000
- Creation of Space for Children and Families with Special Needs – First Christian Church of Edmond, OK – Developing worshipful space where children with special needs and their families can worship and connect with the greater congregation. $1,000
- RISE (Respect, Include, Support, Embrace) and SHINE (Supporting Hearts in New Experiences) – First Christian Church, Midland, TX – Upgrading the Special Needs Sunday School for children with severe special needs who require specialized care. $2,000
- Hope Academic / Tutuoring Services (H.A.T.S.) – Hope Christian Church, Hammond, IN – Providing supplemental and enhanced academic services ranging from tutoring K-12 students in the community to providing life skills classes for small groups. $2,000
- Camp Sunflower – Pine Valley Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Wichita, KS – Providing a camp for at-risk, high school-age LGBTQ youth that promotes safety and acceptance, resulting in self-knowledge and development of leadership skills. $2,000
- Gathering Space – Disciples Christian Church, Cleveland Heights, OH – Providing a space for the area’s Bhutanese immigrant youth and families to meet and learn work and life skills in the United States. $3,000
- Living Your Life: Coping with Depression and Anxiety – First Christian Church, Salida, CO – Partnering with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment to provide spiritual support and workshops for young women on managing anxiety during pregnancy. $3,000
- S.M.A.R.T. Academic and Enrichment Outreach Program – Shalom Community Christian Church, Inc, Greensboro, NC – Providing academic support and nutritional meals to low-income, under-performing, and/or homeless students throughout the school year and summer. $3,000
- Rise Up Project – 15th Avenue Christian Church, Rock Island, IL – Recognizing the specific needs of juvenile court-involved youth and providing an opportunity for these youth to develop positive connections with community resources, positive interpersonal, workforce development, and lifestyle skills. $5,000
- Community Dinner Kitchen Skills Training – University Place Christian Church, Champaign, IL – Adding four paid youth interns to an established free dinner outreach program to teach job skills, nutrition, and responsibility to high school students at risk. $5,000
Innovation Grants
- Wilkinsburg Youth Collaboration Focused on Life Skills and Arts Engagement – Christian Church of Wilkinsburg, PA – Working with The Entertainment Consortium to provide quality, year-round programming focused on access to arts and performance. $10,000
- Young Change Makers – Community of Just Love, Houston, TX – Preparing underserved youth on the margins for a self-sufficient future that will allow for economic and political parity. $10,000
- Kitchen Apprenticeship Program at Sanctuary Cafe for Opportunity Youth – University Christian Church, Chicago, IL – Offering certificate-level hospitality training in a paid work environment to youth who are disconnected from school, family, or work. $10,000
- Specialized Education for Abused, Neglected, and Traumatized Children – Tennyson Center for Children at Colorado Christian Home, Denver, CO – Providing uniquely tailored, “trauma-informed” therapeutic and educational strategies to help abused, neglected, and traumatized children achieve academic success. $15,000
Total Grants for At-Risk Children and Youth: $72,000
Older Adults
Catalyst Grants
- Disciples Personal Care Pantry – First Christian Church dba Disciples Personal Care Pantry, Burkburnett, TX – Providing cleaning products, toiletries, and personal items to the community residents $2,500
- The ‘Bet’Away (Better Way) Group – Heights Christian Church, Shaker Heights, OH – Envisioning the first faith-based recovery group for problem gamblers in the area, many of whom are seniors. $2,750
- Health and Wellness for Seniors through Technology – Bethel Christian Church, Jonesborough, TN – Improving the lives of seniors through the use of technology, introducing them to computer tablets connected to the internet. $3,000
Innovation Grants
- A Partnership of Caring – Christian Temple, Catonsville, MD – Partnering with National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Metropolitan Baltimore to provide one-on-one encouragement and support to persons living in two local assisted-living facilities, creating ongoing support groups designed to reduce isolation and engender hope. $15,000
- Friends Helping Friends – Juliette Fowler Communities, Dallas, TX – Providing hot meals for the lowest income residents at Fowler Christian Apartments, through a program initiated by fellow Fowler residents. $15,000
Total Grants for Older Adults: $38,250
Intergenerational: At-Risk Children and Youth + Older Adults
Catalyst Grant
- Expanded Kitchen at The Dinner Table – Good Shepherd Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Macedonia, OH – Offering hospitality and nourishment for body and soul through free community meals with upgraded kitchen equipment. $5,000
Impact Grant
- Community in Action: Each One Teach One – Snow Hill Christian Church/ Lowndes County Community Life Center, Fort Deposit, AL – Integrating intergenerational activities for youth and seniors, including day classes, field trips, after-school tutoring, quilting, community meals, and more. $35,000
Total Intergenerational Grants: $40,000
Total Grants Awarded for 2018: $150,250
Find frequently asked questions and more information about the NBA Mission and Ministry Grant Program at The application for 2019 funds will be available later in 2018. For additional questions, please email [email protected].