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Jeff Zimmerman called to serve as Minister for New Church/Ministries

By August 21, 2017July 24th, 2019One Comment

The Christian Church in Illiniois and Wisconsin recently approved five priorities for the next five years. One of the priorities is an emphasis to develop and support new churches and ministries in the region. To support this effort a part-time contract ministerial staff position was created. Jeff Zimmerman was called to serve as Minister for New Church/Ministries starting August 1st. He will lead the New Church and Ministry Team of CCIW and will guide and support new congregations, ministries and affilations within the region.

Jeff shared, “I am honored and excited to minister in a way that significantly impacts and shapes the future of our denomination.” Jeff continues, “Our Disciples’ tradition offers rich resources relevant to our time.” More information regarding the CCIW priorities can be found the their website at and the CCIW New Church/Ministries Team can be followed on Facebook and Twitter under cciwnew.


One Comment

  • Amy E. Booker-Hirsch says:

    Congrats Jeff,

    I am in Illinois now — the little town of Media (pop. 150). I have standing in the Upper Midwest Region. I am a chaplain at Great River Medical Center in Burlington, IA. Drew is a junior at Knox College in Galesburg, IL. He just left two days ago for his semester abroad in Barcelona. The program is going forward despite the recent violence. Hello to Jane, Ellen and Anna.


    Amy E. Booker-Hirsch