“Planting a church can make a huge and lasting impression in the community it serves,” says Terrell L. McTyer, minister of New Church Strategies and church planter. “By empowering the oppressed, praying for the disenfranchised, caring for the poor and promoting hope in a fragmented world, the church can literally help change the world,” he adds.
Churches Change the World… Start More! is the theme for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) 2017 Pentecost Offering, which will be celebrated Sundays, June 4 and June 11. To date, the Christian Church has started 980 new churches in the United States and Canada, sharing the gospel with more than 61,500 individuals since initiating the 2020 Vision in 2000. According to McTyer our original goal was to start 1,000 new congregations by 2020, but we can’t stop there. “We must continue our journey by setting our heights higher, planting even more churches and equipping more courageous leaders,” he says.
Each year, half of the Pentecost Offering is designated to the local Christian Disciples Region/Area in an effort to start and sustain new churches. The other half is used by Hope Partnership to support the recruitment, assessment, training and coaching of new church leaders at events like Leadership Academy.