Dear CCIW Clergy Colleagues:
Our Regional Committee on Ministry appreciates you for your ministry and service to God, Church and community. We are grateful that you are part of the ministry of the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin.
Many of you have already noticed and acted on our new procedure for filing your standing form. We have a website version that, once completed, will only require you to update changes. You can still download a paper copy if you choose. To receive standing for 2017, please complete the process by November 30.
Retired clergy who still want to be active doing pulpit supply, interims, weddings, funerals must also complete this process by November 30.
If you are Retired and no longer serving in ministry your standing will remain as recognition of your faithful service. No form is necessary.
Please note that the Regional Commission on Ministry will remove standing if you fail to complete this process.
We will begin sending out standing cards as of Dec. 1.
In Christ’s service with you,
Rev. Dr. Teresa Dulyea-Parker, Regional Minister & President
Hugh Kuehl, Co-Chair RCOM
Esther Shelton-Smith, Co-Chair RCOM