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Job: University Church Director/Minister of Community Housing

By October 31, 2016No Comments

Director/Minister of Community Housing JOB DESCRIPTION

Posted: October 27, 2016 Reply to: [email protected] (resume & cover letter)


University Church has a long-standing commitment to affordable, community housing. We own two residential buildings and also make our church building available to groups doing community work. We are now looking for someone to help further our housing ministry and manage the two buildings along with UChurch rentals. Experience in real estate management and law is required, along with any experiences that demonstrate acumen in leadership and project management.

Our church’s mission statement

University Church is a Christian community, which affirms the transformative power of God’s love, calling us individually and collectively to act for justice and to respect all creation. We value the life and teachings of Jesus and we believe that God continues to be revealed in the world.

Position Overview

Time Requirement: Full time, beginning January 1, 2017. Hoping for a three (3) year commitment at minimum
Salary and Benefits: Competitive with property management industry, commensurate with experience. Full benefits package included.
Reports to: Senior Pastor
Communicates with: Pastoral Staff, Social Justice Committee, and boards of both Covenental Community of University Church and Woodlawn Development Associates Credentials: background in property management; leadership experience in church setting; strong communication skills and record-keeping; able to pass criminal background check.

Brief Outline of Duties

  • Help further UChurch’s ministry efforts in low income housing.
  • Support efforts at building community in multiple settings: Covenantal Community Housing Coop (CCHC), Woodlawn Development Associates (WDA) housing, small group ministry at UChurch, etc. 
  • Manage UChurch space rentals, manage the CCHC building, manage the WDA building 
  • Supervise UChurch maintenance, repairs, and capital improvement projects
  • Participate with the UChurch ministry team 
  • Communicate regularly with the Social Justice Committee and the Finance Committee
  • Participate actively in the CCHC – attend community meetings and possibly live in the building.

DIRECT ALL INQUIRIES TO: [email protected]

Source: uchurch-housing-job-descript-2016