New Covenant Community is looking for a piano player to accompany hymns and play our prelude and communion offertory on Sunday mornings beginning in January. This is a paid position.
Job Opening for Pianist at New Covenant Community Chapel of the Campus Religious Center
210 W. Mulberry St., Normal, IL 61761
this is a landline and does not receive texts
Revs. Susan & Bob Ryder, Co
•Sunday morning services (September – May -1 0:15-11:30; June – Labor Day – 9:45-11:00)
•Substitutes available with advance notice Compensation: $50/week for Sundays played
•Select/prepare music to play before service begins and during communion
•Accompany New Covenant Community during hymns (usually two) during the service
The position will be open as of January 3, 2016.
If interested, contact Susan Ryder
About New Covenant Community
We are a union congregation, affiliated with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), Presbyterian Church (USA), and the United Church of Christ. We are a progressive, Open and Affirming/More Light congregation, which welcomes all persons regardless of race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.
The format of most worship services includes time for reflection followed by community comment or discussion.
The sharing of the bread and cup is a central part of our worship and we meet around the table. In the tradition of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) we celebrate Christ’s open table every Sunday. We invite all who wish to do so to participate in this symbolic meal with us.