As you know, a Shalem pilgrimage is an opportunity to open your heart ever wider and respond more fully to the living Spirit, which is always present and active, always intimately involved in human lives, and always willing and wanting to guide your steps toward deepening love. Without the roles, responsibilities and routines of home life, on a pilgrimage we often are able to open more fully to God’s presence and to the new life God is seeking to birth in us. A pilgrimage can expand our capacity for creativity and holy imagination; it can lead to new ways of thinking and doing.
Will you join us on one of our next pilgrimages?
A Pilgrimage of Prayer—A Journey of the Heart
South Korea, September 14-24, 2015
Open yourself to this special land of great beauty, spiritual yearning and longtime conflict in this first-ever pilgrimage to South Korea.
South Korea Pilgrimage
Leadership from the Heart—A Pilgrimage of Discernment and Discovery for Young Adults
Edinburgh, Scotland, October 18-24, 2015
If you’re not a young adult, do you know someone who might be interested?
This is a special opportunity for young adults to take spacious time to discern and discover a new way of leading and listening.
Edinburgh Pilgrimage