Summer Camp Internship
Summer Camp Intern for the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in Illinois & Wisconsin
1011 N Main St., Bloomington, IL 61701
- Pays $2500 with Room & Board
- Work Period: June 6—August 1 with children, youth and families participating in the CCIW Sumer Camping Program at Camp Walter Scott (near Effingham, IL) and Pilgrim Park (near Princeton, IL).
- Purpose: Lift up God’s Call to Ministry to the campers, and participate in the life and programs of each camp as an adult leader.
- Who: Preference to those candidates at least 20 years old, and have completed at least the 2nd year of college. The complete job description, expectations and other details are found in the Summer
Camp Intern Policy Guide
For Application Form, Policy Guide, or more information check out the CCIW website at:
Camp Resources
Questions: E-mail: [email protected]
Contact the Regional Office at: (309) 828-6293
Application Deadline—April 1, 2015