Youth, Parents, Pastors, and Youth Leadership
It is freezing outside, here in the Urban Metro area. With record temperatures dropping below zero; moving around us-all I want to do is stay inside! Yet, with being very careful how we travel and do ministry in this winter weather, I wanted to be sure to send a big thanks, to all who support Regional Youth Ministries. (Summit, Mid-Winter Retreats, Mission Trip, Etc.)
WE are seeking NEW applicants both (Youth and Adults) for the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin Regional Youth Council and we need your help! We need your help identifying enthusiastic youth and adults that you feel would be a wonderful asset to our 2014-2016 Council.
So, you ask what exactly, is the CCIW Regional Youth Council? The CCIW Regional Youth Council, hereafter known as (RYC) is comprised of up to twelve (12) youth and up to three (3) adult leaders chosen from the four areas of the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin (Urban Metro, South, East and West) to help pray, plan, and implement Regional Youth activities in the Region of the Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin. Serving a minimum of two years, our Regional Youth Council strives to honor God and the youth of our Region in the following areas: Christian Education, Worship, Mission-Service, Evangelism, Community and Pro-Reconciling-Anti-Racism Initiative.
What are some of the duties of the RYC
A. Be responsible for representing RYC at the Regional Assembly
B. Be responsible for programming at Regional Assembly, Summit and at Camping Programs, Lock-Ins, Midwinter Retreats, Mission Trips sponsored by the Youth Ministries Program.
C. Work under the direction of the Associate Regional Minister for youth, the CCIW Regional Youth Committee and others to help facilitate a well-led and organized youth experiences.
D. Attend Summer Camp.
E. Attend CYF-Youth Leadership Retreat to be held in January or February.
F. Promote local, area, and Regional Youth events
G. Discipline him/herself to fulfill all given or assumed responsibilities to Regional and local CYF events.
H. Set an example to other youth by attempting to show a dynamic relationship with God, and a Christ like relationship with others.
I have given you a brief overview of our RYC. If there are persons in your congregation who fit these qualifications please be willing to nominate them. They can be nominated by the Pastor, Board chair or Youth leader. Please send them to the CCIW website to retrieve the application and other pertinent information. There are significant deadlines for the council. Please be sure to observe each deadline.
Guidelines for the Regional Youth Council 2014
The Regional Youth Council Nomination Form 2014
Youth Regional Application 2014
• All Nomination forms must be turned into the Regional Office by APRIL 1, 2014
• Deadline for All Applications, Reference Letters to be turned into the Regional Office is April 10, 2014. NO Exceptions!!!!
Peace and Blessings,
Dr. Christal
The Christian Church in Illinois and Wisconsin
Associate Regional Minister
The Youth Ministry Program
[email protected]