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Initial Commission

This is the process through which non-ordained individuals can be granted ministerial standing in the Disciples of Christ denomination. By meeting with the Ministry Committee annually and fulfilling other requirements and expectations, individuals can serve a congregation in a specific position. For more information, explore the documents below:

Note on New Location Commissions: To obtain a Commission for a new location, you will not need to resubmit all materials. You will need to provide a copy of your new job description, a new application, a biographical data update, a recommendation from the new location’s church board and possibly additional recommendations. Please contact the Regional Office if you are considering relocating.

Annual Commission Renewal

This is the process through which commissioned ministers annually renew their status. Forms and informational documents are listed below for reference, but please contact the Regional Office for a full list of what you are required to submit for an interview.

  • Complete Annual Ministerial Standing Form This form is completed on a yearly basis and serves as a biographical data update for all ordained and commissioned clergy. You do not need to complete this form at the time of your interview. It will be mailed to you at the appropriate time and is here as a reference.
  • Guidelines for Required Papers The Concept of Ministry paper is due in the 2nd year of a minister’s commission. The Ecclesiology Paper is due the 3rd year. The History and Polity course and required reflective paper should be completed by the 4th year.

Extended Commission Renewal

In some cases, individuals who have been commissioned for more than 3 years will be granted an extended commission. This means that the individual does not need to physically meet each year with the Ministry Committee or complete the evaluation forms. These individuals can submit annual written reports discussing significant events in their ministry and plans moving into the next year. These reports are read and accepted or denied by the Ministry Committee. Additionally, ministers must submit the following:

  • Complete Annual Ministerial Standing Form This form is completed on a yearly basis and serves as a biographical data update for all ordained and commissioned clergy. You do not need to complete this form at the time of your interview. It will be mailed to you at the appropriate time and is here as a reference.
  • Every five years you must renew your Extended Commission with a visit to the Committee on Ministry.