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by Meagan Miller, Pension Fund staff

As we approach Week of the Ministry, Oct. 8-14, Pension Fund is thankful for the ministry and work of the many faithful ministers who are shining a light in the darkness through their service to others. Your deep commitment to serving God’s people and sharing God’s love in so many ways is appreciated -not only during Week of Ministry but throughout the year.

As we celebrate Week of the Ministry, here are some things you can do to join in:

  • Watch a replay our Ministers & Mates breakfast at General Assembly featuring Rev. Dr. Ben Bohren’s thoughtful and inspiring sermon on our website
  • Share your story and testimony on ways you are being “A light in the dark” via social media throughout the week using #BetheLightintheDark#weekoftheministry.  Pension Fund will be collecting these stories.
  • Send a note of encouragement or appreciation to one of your peers or mentors thanking them for what they do and the difference they are making.

To view all resources Pension Fund is making available to congregations, visit