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Ideas for Vacation Bible School and Summer Youth Camp – Global Ministries

By April 28, 2015November 11th, 2015No Comments

Global Ideas for Vacation Bible School Ideas for special giving projects for Vacation Bible School, Summer Camp Programs, and Other Fun Activities for Children and Youth.

We invite you to include Global Ministries in your plans for Vacation Bible School and Summer Youth events and camps. These events are exciting times in the life of the church and can be a wonderful opportunity to introduce children, youth, and people of all ages to the global mission of the church. There are a number of curricula that churches are choosing from for these programs, and Global Ministries will gladly assist congregations to supplement these different curricula with materials that provide a global perspective and are linked to vital ministries carried out by Global Ministries and its partners.

Kids-to-Kids VBS CurriculumVacation Bible SchoolT

he best VBS (Vacation Bible School) are ones that use a learning center model and that are flexible. The following list of VBS materials are free downloads. All of them are directly related to Global Ministries of the United Church of Christ and Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). All of the “Journey” VBS programs relate to Kids to Kids because they are opportunities for children to learn about and contribute to global mission projects that serve children.

Source: Ideas for Vacation Bible School and Summer Youth Camp – Global Ministries