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Good News

“Good News” Story One Mission

By September 5, 2014No Comments

Karon Alexander is a charismatic speaker. She shared a flavor of her experience to Mexico with the
participants of The Summer Tea. We sang songs in Spanish not knowing what we were singing, the
same as she did when she arrived in Mexico. She introduced us to her hosts, their culture, and worship
styles. She talked about how the mission she was apart of was to understand how crucial the
Micro-Credit Project is to the women , the women’s family and her community.
Woman-to-Woman Worldwide (WWW) is sponsored by the International Disciples Women’s Ministries
and administered by the staff of Disciples Women in conjunction with Global Ministries. Disciples
Women and Global Ministries collaborate yearly to make the Women-to-Women Worldwide missions
possible. In 2013, Women-to-Women sent 10 women to Mexico via The Round Table for Mission
Development in Mexico. The Round Table is a unique space for three churches to do God’s mission and
live out God’s reconciliation in a united way within the volatile and conflictive context of Mexican
churches and overall society. The churches are: Christian Congressional Churches of Mexico, the
Fraternity of Evangelical Christian Church (Disciples of Christ), and the Christian Church (Disciples of
One mission the Round Table for Mission Development in Mexico has developed is Women’s
Micro-Credit Projects. Women take out loans with NO interest rates to finance family income-generation
projects such as coffee growing, jewelry making, coffee shop opening, etc. The women then pay back the
loans with the proceeds from their family ran business in order to benefit other women with loans.
These loans provide the women with empowerment to make a tremendous difference in the shaping of
the world to come through decisions they make today.
Karon Alexander provided a small insight to what women in Mexico are exposed to. Some of their
complaints within their daily lives are quite similar to ours; while others are not. The women she
introduced to us have had the opportunity to realize their dream due to the Micro-Credit Project. It
enabled them to support their family and help build their economy within their community. This is not
true for all the women, some are waiting for monies to become available to start building and living their
What a wonderful mission, empowering women to create a sustainable lifestyle for their family, their
community and themselves.